A Different Kind of Health And Wellness Center
Our wellness center provides total care using multidisciplinary methods and techniques for the best personal health and wellness. We utilize research supported, traditional and progressive techniques including but not limited to; integrative and holistic medicine, mindfulness, reiki healing, natural therapies, mind body therapies, essential oils, medication management, vitamins and supplements. We embrace a 'prevention before intervention' mindset with our clients for a quality of life that exceeds all expectations.
Head to our new clients area to find out more
River Valley's "Cue to be Well"
River Valley's "Cue to Be Well" is a free monthly newsletter, curated by psychologists and other wellness professionals, containing wellness strategies, healthy recipes, clinic updates, special offers, and the like. We appreciate everyone here in this exclusive circle and would like to give back in any way we can.
Check out the archive to enjoy wellness strategies and recipes right now!