Healing Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese method of energy healing, intentionally channeling Universal Life Force energy for the sake of supporting and aiding one's innate healing.

Studies have shown

Pain Relief 78%
Anxiety Reduction 90%
Sleep Improvement 86%

Studies suggest that Reiki can provide significant benefits, with a large percentage of participants (78–92%) reporting notable pain reduction after sessions. Similarly, Reiki has been shown to alleviate anxiety, with 90–96% of participants experiencing a decrease in symptoms. Additionally, research indicates that up to 86% of patients may enjoy improved sleep quality following Reiki therapy, highlighting its potential to promote relaxation and overall well-being.

Reiki Sessions


With host Angela Eischens, MA, LMFT, Reiki Master of Soul Source Studio, LLC, Healing Reiki enhances the body’s ability to achieve deep relaxation, fostering its natural capacity for healing and renewal.

How can I benefit?

Broadly Accepted

Reiki is becoming increasingly popular in medical settings, with over 800 hospitals in the US using Reiki as a part of their care program. Nurses have reported that the use of Reiki has helped their patients heal faster with less pain, reduced stress, improved appetite, and reduced the negative side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and other medical procedures.

Angela Eischens, MA, LMFT, Reiki Master

In simple terms, Reiki is a form of energy healing. More specifically, Reiki is a Japanese method of energy healing of intentionally channeling Universal Life Force energy. The term “reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Others believe this to be the energy of Unconditional Love. Regardless, Reiki is not connected to any spiritual sect or religion. We are all Life Force Energy and every material or living thing is energy. A healer attuned to Reiki just means that individual is trained to intentionally channel the purest life force energy for the sake of supporting and aiding one's innate healing. We all have the capacity to access our own inner healing naturally. What gets in the way are the multitudes of stressors, tensions, worries, past traumatic experiences, mental blocks, unsupportive core beliefs, grief, shame, and other situations and experiences within our bodies that block one’s ability to access this within ourselves easily. Traumatic memory and stress store within our bodies, often mimicking the original pain and/or disconnecting from various parts of our bodies that remind us of the difficult experiences. Reiki is one way to direct healing to these areas and assist in gaining a greater sense of peace and connection with our body once again or for some, for the very first time.

Reiki heals on the following levels: physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and even spiritual to assist an individual to align with their optimal state of well-being and vitality. Thus, making accessing inner healing easier. A body that can rest, relax, play, and connect with others and their environments from a more peaceful state can learn, grow, and heal more easily as well. The healing provided is very unique to each individual. Energy healing can only occur at the level that one is ready and open to. No harm can occur from the energies and only allows for your highest good and the highest good of all, but it is important to note that whenever you are engaging in energetic healing you may experience intense sensations (for example: heat or warmth, cold, tingling, an energetic pressure, or even a stirring of emotions) or experience various other shifts in health states as you are clearing unwanted energies. It is important to remember that healing occurs in stages. Imagine the layers of an onion, peeling away one at a time allowing for a gentle unfolding for greater integration of your healing and increasing your alignment with your self and you body.

Many in-person Reiki Sessions will occur by a "laying of hands", in which energy work is done by a provider placing hands on various parts of your body's Chakra points. Chakras are identified energy centers within and around one’s body. There are 7 main Chakras that are the general focus of a Reiki session. It is important to me that you have full permission to decide where and how this occurs and we will discuss your level of comfort with touch prior to beginning any healing energy work and you will be walked through this prior to beginning a session. Reiki energy can be provided without touch at all and you can decide the level of space you need during a healing. We all have varying levels of comfort with touch and closeness. In our society we are often touch deprived and great comfort and stress relief can occur in the physical body with a light or gentle touch.

"My wish is that you leave each session feeling lighter, more energized, at peace, and with a deeper sense of connection with your true Divine self."

Written by Angela Eischens, MA, LMFT, Reiki Master Healer


  • Facilitated by Angela Eischens, MA, LMFT, Reiki Master of Soul Source Studio, LLC
  • Days
    • First Friday of the Month 4pm – 7pm
    • Third Friday of the Month 11am – 2pm
  • Cost
    • $125 – 60 minutes
    • $175 – 90 minutes
  • Hosted at River Valley’s Savage Office

Smooth Sailing Toward a Healthier You